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Declaration of returned goods
for BIOM® and accessories


As mentioned in the form QM-072 - Declaration of returned goods for BIOM® and accessories, we will only accept the return of devices used in the OR if they arrive with signed documentation, confirming that reprocessing of the devices has been carried out.

This measure serves the product safety and employee protection of OCULUS Optikgeräte GmbH. It is necessary to pre-clean the mentioned devices immediately after use. Clean/ disinfect BIOM® 5 and accessories by machine, due to the significantly higher effectiveness. For details, please refer to the BIOM® 5 reprocessing instructions.

When returning BIOM® 5 and accessories to OCULUS Optikgeräte GmbH, the above-mentioned document is mandatory. Please contact us ( before any intended return shipment to obtain an RMA number (identification number for the return of goods) as well as the declaration of return letter mentioned above. Please include this RMA-number clearly visible on all accompanying documents.

Explanation: RMA = (Return Merchandize Authorization or Return Material Authorization)

Returned goods for which no clear reprocessing or confirmation of reprocessing is visible, will be returned to the sender untreated and at the sender's expense.

Please observe these instructions in the interest of fast and smooth processing and execution of the procedures.